Foster Care

Being a foster parent or service provider is a big job, but no one ever has to do it alone. Here are resources that offer support and information for both providers and foster parents.

Casey Family Programs
Offers services for both providers and kids/ families, public policy resources, and research

Comfort Cases
Provides foster children with special bags (including comfort items) to carry their belongings
between homes.

The Children’s Defense Fund
Protects and supports the children of America, who cannot vote, lobby, or speak for themselves.

The Children’s Place
Offers resources for everyone as well as direct in-person services for kids and families in Kansas
City, Missouri.

Family Focused Treatment Association
Develops, promotes, and supports treatment of children in foster care.

Foster Care Alumni of America
Organization of adult advocates who were once in foster care, whose goal is a better quality of
life for those who have been and are currently in the foster care system.

National Court Appointed Special Advocates Association of America
Supports and promotes court-appointed volunteer advocacy so every abused or neglected child in the
United States can be safe, have a permanent home, and have the opportunity to thrive.

National Foster Care Coalition
Dedicated to improving the lives of the more than half a million children currently in the foster
care system.

National Foster Parent Association
Supports the caregivers of our nation’s most vulnerable children.

National Head Start Association
Supports families facing difficult circumstances and works to remove barriers to learning in the
early years.

National Indian Child Welfare Association
Works to support the safety, health, well-being, and spiritual strength of American Indian and
Alaska Native children throughout their years.

Project ABC
Provides resources for everyone as well as compassionate and culturally competent community
services to young children and families in Los Angeles.

For more resources, go to

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(484) 213-3616

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