The Science Behind Your Childʼs Tantrums And how to nip them in the bud before they start. By Ashley Abramson Published Oct. 15, 2020 Updated Oct. 16, 2020 in The New York Times LeAnne Simpson’s 6-year-old daughter had thrown plenty of tantrums before the pandemic. But after a few weeks of lockdown, minor frustrations that used to lead to short-lived...[ read more ]
This past week I said a final good-bye to my sister, Leanne. She died in May, and after months of waiting for the coronavirus to abate enough for family and friends to get together for a memorial service, it was ultimately decided that it was time. Anyone willing to go was welcome and there were no hard feelings toward...[ read more ]
For many, childhood is the most wondrous and exciting time in a person’s life. But even when a child is growing in a loving and stable family environment, they can feel fear and anxiety.Think back on your childhood. Everything new was something to be not-so-sure of. It was easy to feel a bit anxious on the first day of school...[ read more ]
It started with a Zoom call two weeks ago today. I didn't realize how sick she had gotten. It's easy to convince yourself that everything is the same when you aren't witness to the changes. In that way, I suppose Covid-19 was a great excuse. As long as we were quarantined, I didn't have to know. Sure, I could have...[ read more ]
I've been doing a lot of yard work since the Stay-at-Home order. I learned a few years ago that manual labor helps decrease my stress and improves my mood. Pulling weeds is a wonderful and productive exercise to relieve anger, too! I have even found that spending a few hours gardening has helped me resolve some vexing problems. Plus, right...[ read more ]
I've been thinking a lot about families stuck inside, especially those with kids who have nothing to do. It doesn't take long to start going stir-crazy --- it brings to mind those never-ending last few weeks of summer. Given that this is an unplanned and unexpected event, and there is no Florida vacation to look forward to, I anticipate some...[ read more ]
I was driving home the other night after a long weekend with most of my extended family when suddenly I started crying and couldn't stop. We had all gathered together in Chicago as it was a good midpoint place to meet for everyone. We had not been together for several years. The reason for this family gathering was bittersweet, my...[ read more ]
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